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The Body Image Impact of Social Media on Young Adult Females

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With the rise of social media, it has become increasingly easy for young adults to compare themselves to others and develop negative body images as a result. In their thesis, Exploring the Impacts of Social Media on Body Image An Investigation of Young Adult Females' Perceptions (2019), Smith, Johnson, and Lee delve into the impact social media has on body image in young adult females.

The Body Image Impact of Social Media on Young Adult Females

The Impact of Photo-Sharing Social Media Apps

One of the major findings of Smith, Johnson, and Lee's research is that photo-sharing social media apps, such as Instagram, have a significant impact on young adult females' body image perceptions. The constant barrage of photoshopped and filtered images can lead to feelings of inadequacy and dissatisfaction with one's own body.

Social media influencers, who often promote unrealistic beauty standards, also exacerbate the issue. The pressure to conform to these standards can lead to disordered eating habits and other harmful behaviors.

The Impact of Social Comparison

Smith, Johnson, and Lee also found that the act of social comparison on social media has a negative impact on young adult females' body image. Social comparison involves comparing oneself to others, often by scrolling through images on social media.

This constant comparison to others can lead to negative emotions and self-perceptions. Those who perceive themselves as less attractive or less fit than their peers may begin to develop negative attitudes towards their own bodies.

Alternative Views on Positive Body Image

While social media has been found to have a negative impact on young adult females' body image, there are alternative views on what constitutes positive body image.

Instead of promoting unrealistic beauty standards, social media influencers can advocate for body positivity and self-love. By showcasing real and diverse body types, they can help to shift societal norms and promote healthy body images.


Overall, Smith, Johnson, and Lee's research suggests that social media has a significant impact on young adult females' body image perceptions. However, it is important to note that there are alternative views on what constitutes positive body image. As social media continues to evolve, it is important for both individuals and influencers to promote healthy body images and self-love.


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